Pest Control Services

We specialize in residential and commercial pest control services

Pest Control Services

If you are looking for pest control services for your home or business, you can trust us to provide effective and safe solutions for various types of crawling insects, such as fire ants, cockroaches, crickets, earwigs, spiders, and more.

We care about your health and the environment, so we use pest control methods that are safe and minimally invasive. We don’t spray or apply chemicals inside your home or business unless it’s absolutely necessary. When we come to your place, we will evaluate the pest situation. If we don’t find any pests inside, we will only treat the outside using the best method available. If we find pests inside, we will use bait inside and spray outside to stop them from coming in.

Fire Ants Control Services

Fire ant control services are one of the areas we excel at. We use spray to target individual fire ant mounds and eliminate them quickly. In most cases, the fire ants are gone by the time we finish our work. If we find fire ants inside your home or business, we will also apply safe bait to get rid of them.

We offer phone estimates for our pest control services and we don’t ask you to sign any contracts.

We are ready to assist you if you have an urgent pest control issue. You can reach us at 972-359-7733. We will try to respond within an hour, or within 24 hours at the latest. Our goal is to help you achieve a pest-free environment.

Schedule a Free Inspection

Contact us to schedule your free no obligation inspection.